Graduate School of Management of St. Petersburg University (GSOM) and the Center for the Development of Electronic Educational Resources of St. Petersburg University have created a tutorial on the use of Microsoft Teams in the educational process.
Since March 16, the Graduate School of Management of St. Petersburg University has been conducting all academic programs online, using the Microsoft Teams platform for remote work. The transition was required to be completed in a short time, and hundreds of students and dozens of lecturers had to figure it out with online tools. Students Kamila Isakova, Albert Mallyamov, Maya Shafranskaya, Liana Navshirvanova and Daria Vikulova volunteered to help their colleagues deal with the system. We asked them about the advantages of the platform and how to effectively study and work online.
A new 6-week online course on awareness development has started at GSOM SPbU. The pilot launch of the project took place in 2019, and feedback on the course proved the relevance of such practice in a business school.
On March 28, the previously planned GSOM Bachelor Programs' Open Day had to be postponed in connection with the publication of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 25, 2020 No. 206 “On the announcement of non-working days in the Russian Federation".
On March 4, Master Program Open Day took place in the online format. The presentations of the academic program directors can be found here.
GSOM SPbU has provided its academic programs in an online format for the past two weeks. We have talked with Bachelor and Master students to find out their first impressions about their experience with online education.
MegaFon has supported GSOM SPbU in transferring the educational process to an online format. The technological solutions provided by the telecommunications company MegaFon will also enable the business school to provide a hotline for this online transition.
There, faculty, staff and students can find answers to the most common questions about transferring education to online and contacts for communication in order to quickly solve the problem
On March 16, all courses of GSOM SPbU educational programs began to transfer into the online format. The experience of these first days has shown that technological issues are solved more easily than many people think. A key challenge is to change the methodology for content presentation.
On March 12, in the Volkhovskiy Building, a workshop on crowdsourcing from specialists from the Yandex.Toloka team was held
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