26 June 2018
IV Annual Conference “Public-Private Partnership in Transport Sector: Models and Experience” was held on June 1. This year participants and guests discussed the creation of conditions for PPP development in Russian transport sector and financial mechanisms for transport PPP projects. More than 100 people took part in this event.
On the plenary sessionAssociate Professor of the Department of Public Administration Svetlana V. Maslova and Associate Professor of the Department of Public Administration Andrew E. Ivanov presented the results of their research work “Key issues of forming and evaluating the competencies of specialists in PPP field in transport industry”. They came up with the list and characteristics description of 92 competences, that are necessary for the effective structuring and management of PPP projects in the transport sector.
Then there waspresentation of the textbook and the anthology co-authored by the Head of Department of Public Administration Maxim Y. Sokolov and Svetlana V. Maslova. The textbook“Public Private Partnership: theoretical bases and practice of application in Russia and foreign countries”was created to help beginners get an initial understanding of public-private partnership. This spring the textbook was translated into Chinese, negotiations are currently underway to translate it into Japanese.
The anthology“Public-private partnership: international, regional and national levels of legal regulation and application” contains structured presentation of more than 30 legal acts of various countries and international organizations in the field of PPP.
The next part of the conference was a round table organized jointly with “Directorate for Development of the St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region Transport System”. The main topic was: “Legislative PPP initiatives in the field of transport: real prospects or fruitless efforts?”. Svetlana V. Maslova and Head of PPP and External Relations Department of Directorate for Development of St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region Transport System Olga A. Potiforova moderated debates. In the discussion took part: Deputy Director of Department of State Policy in the field of arranging checkpoints across the state border of Russian Ministry of Transport Sergey K. Markin, General Director of SMP “Tour”, investment company and checkpoint operator Nugzar A. Sanakoev, Deputy Head of VTB Capital Department for Financing Infrastructure Andrey V. Kiselev, lawyer at PwC Legal Andrey P. Andersen, PMA General Director Andrey V. Filimonov, Head of St. Petersburg Investment Committee Sector of Legal Support for PPP projects Daniil V. Podshivalov, Head of Tariff Regulation Department for Transportation Services Elena A. Khalikova and others.
At the end of the conference two sectional sessions were held. The main topic of the first section was issues of PPP theory and practice. In the second section participated students from GSOM SPbU, Political Science Faculty, Law Faculty, Ural State University of Communications, the State University of Marine and River Fleet named after Admiral S.O. Makarov, St. Petersburg State University of Communications of Emperor Alexander I and RANEPA. They presented the results of their research in PPP field.
More information about conference is available here.
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