27 August 2018
Researcher from GSOM SPbU Joan Freixanet took part in the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management in Chicago (AOM 2018). The paper which he presented there was granted the “HKUNST Best Paper in Global Strategy” Award.
The paper “Leveraging New Knowledge: The Learning-By-Exporting Effect on Leading and Lagging Family Firms” was written by Joan Freixanet, Joaquin Montreal (University of Murcia, Spain) and Gregorio Sanchez-Marin (University of Murcia, Spain).
This study analyzes how family control influences the conversion of knowledge input obtained from exports to various innovation outputs, a process that is referred to as learning by exporting. Authors base the research on a sample of 1,800 firms for the period spanning from 2007-2014 to test and provide a dynamic view of these relationships in the areas of exporting, learning and innovation. The empirical findings support the hypotheses. The study further empirically demonstrates that the observed effects are even stronger for those family firms that are technological leaders.
78th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management was hold in Chicago from August 10 to14. The 2018 Theme asks the question: How can organizations contribute to the betterment of society through elevating the health and well-being of those who live in it?
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