1 October 2018
On September 24–27 Yury E. Blagov, Director of the PwC Center for Corporate Social Responsibility, took part in the 22nd “Sakhalin Oil and Gas 2018” conference as an invited speaker at the Session “CSR and sustainability culture: the impact of the oil & gas sector on regional development”.
In his interview to the corporate website of Sakhalin Energy, Yury E. Blagov emphasized that the topic of CSR and sustainability is manifested in one way or another throughout the entire conference. In his presentation, Sakhalin Governor Oleg Kozhemyako highlighted the role of oil and gas companies in the region's socio-economic development and it is no coincidence. The Sakhalin island enjoys a unique for Russia, and, perhaps, globally, concentration of large socially responsible companies. According to Yury E. Blagov, these practices should not only be studied, but also replicated. “We consider the sustainable development experience of Sakhalin companies with students at our classes at GSOM SPbU. These practices should not only be studied, but also replicated," he said.
Among the session panelists were also representatives of Sakhalin Energy (Natalia Gonchar), Exxon Neftegaz Limited (Margarita Tsoi), Gazpromneft–Sakhalin (Alexey Romanov) and Russian Managers Association (Vadim Kovalev). The session was moderated by Irina Esipova, General Director of Fuel and Energy Communications Development Center and ConTEXt Competition Jury and Organizing Committee Chairperson.
The conference brought together more than 600 C-level delegates from the leading world oil and gas companies. It is significant that for the first time in its history Sakhalin Oil and Gas Conference agenda contained a session on corporate social responsibility sustainability issues. This reflects the growing attention being paid by big businesses to the UN Sustainability Development Goals achievement.
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