29 June 2020
On June 26, 2020 Yury Ev. Blagov, Director of the PwC Center for Corporate Social Responsibility, Graduate School of Management, St. Petersburg University (GSOM SPbU) and Yulya N. Arai, Project Coordinator for Social Entrepreneurship at the PwC Center for Corporate Social Responsibility, GSOM SPbU spoke at the plenary session “The Role of Social Business in the Implementation of National Projects” of the Interregional Meeting of Social Entrepreneurs of the North-West of Russia dedicated to the International Day of Social Business. The event was organized by the Committee on the Development of Small, Medium-Sized Business and the Consumer Market of the Leningrad Region, the Entrepreneurship Support Fund of the Leningrad Region, and the Center for Social Innovation of the Leningrad Region.
The plenary session was opened by the Governor of the Leningrad Region A.Y. Drozdenko, who spoke about measures to support social entrepreneurship in the region, which consistently opens up the social sphere for private initiatives. Yury E. Blagov and Yulya N. Arai made a report “Social Entrepreneurship of the Leningrad Region: Research Results”, in which they presented the main results of the project implemented by the the PwC Center for Corporate Social Responsibility at the beginning of 2020. The study involved social entrepreneurs of the Leningrad Region, representing small and medium-sized businesses in various legal forms. The analysis made it possible to identify the most priority areas of social and entrepreneurial activity, as well as its compliance with the criteria formulated in the Federal Law of July 26, 2019 No. 245-FZ in terms of consolidating the concepts of “social entrepreneurship”, “social enterprise”. The study demonstrated the quick exit of social entrepreneurs to self-sufficiency, largely related to obtaining external financial support.
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