Alina Sergeevna Rucheva

Assistant Professor, Marketing Department

Alina Sergeevna Rucheva


  • Doctoral Program, Graduate School of Management St. Petersburg University, 2013–2016.
  • Master in Journalism, «Business media and business communications» program, Faculty of Journalism, St. Petersburg University, 2013.
  • Specialist Program in «Mathematical Methods in Economics» (SPbSU, Faculty of Economics, 2009)


  • Marketing strategy
  • B2B marketing
  • Supply Chain Management


Publications in Scientific Magazines

  • Berezinets, I. V., Zenkevich, N. A., Rucheva, A. S., Nikolchenko, N. K. (2020). Do supply chains coordinate buyback contracts? Vestnik of St. Petersburg University. Management, 19 (4), 461-492
  • Berezinets, I. V., Zenkevich, N. A., Nikolchenko, N. K., Rucheva, A. S. (2019). Apply a retro bonus contract to coordinate the supply chain. Vestnik of St. Petersburg University. Management, 18 (3), 317-340
  • Rucheva, A. (2019). Category Management: the State of Research. Contributions to Game Theory and Management, 12, 295-302.
  • Barcan D.I., Rucheva A.S. (2015) Strategic Marketing as Value Navigation. Vestnik of St. Petersburg University. Management, 18 (3), 317-340 , 14(4), 3-38
  • Rucheva A.S. (2014) Category management in the retail sales channel: the essence of the concept and current research areas. Vestnik of St. Petersburg University. Management, 14(3), 84-115

Research papers

  • Ray S., Aray Y., Rucheva A., Bandyopadhyay C. (2017). Marketing Issues in Social Entrepreneurship. Proceedings of GSOM Emerging Markets Conference – 2017 –  St. Petersburg University Graduate School of Management – pp. 309-313
  • Aray, Y., Petrova-Savchenko, A., Rucheva, A., & Bandaluk, O. (2016). Antagonistic Resources in Social Entrepreneurship: Exploit or Avoid? Proceedings of GSOM Emerging Markets Conference – 2016 –  St. Petersburg University Graduate School of Management – pp. 16-20
  • Rucheva A. (2014) Determinants of joint supplier-retailer project performance in category management field Proceedings of GSOM Emerging Markets Conference – 2016 –  St. Petersburg University Graduate School of Management

Chapters on monography

  • Zenkevich, N. A., Berezinets, I., Nikolchenko, N., & Rucheva, A. (2019). Conditionally Coordinating Contracts in Supply Chains. В Static and Dynamic Game Theory: Foundations and Applications (стр. 303-336). (Static and Dynamic Game Theory: Foundations and Applications). Birkhäuser Verlag AG.




  • The letter of gratitude from Olga Dergunova, Deputy President and Chairman of VTB Bank Management Board, GSOM SPbU Director, for leadership position in organization and conducting of AACSB accreditation (2021)
  • "Creation and functioning of a network of international scientific and methodological centers for the dissemination of the best international practices for the training, retraining and internship of advanced digital economy personnel in the fields of mathematics, computer science, technology" (within the federal project "Human resources for the digital economy" of the national program "Digital Economy of the Russian Federation "), project executor (2018-2020).

Other professors

Olga Nikolaevna Alkanova
Olga Nikolaevna Alkanova
Associate Professor, Marketing Department, Head of Teaching Excellence Lab
Vitaliy Ivanovich Cherenkov
Vitaliy Ivanovich Cherenkov
Professor, Marketing Department
Igor Valentinovich Gladkikh
Igor Valentinovich Gladkikh
Associate Professor, Marketing Department. Director, Case Development Center
Sergey Igorevich Kiryukov
Sergey Igorevich Kiryukov
Senior Lecturer, Marketing Department
Maria Mikhailovna Smirnova
Maria Mikhailovna Smirnova
Associate Professor, Head of Marketing Department. Head of Research Center for Strategic Marketing and Innovations
Joan Freixanet Solervicens
Joan Freixanet Solervicens
Associate Professor, Marketing Department
Alina Sergeevna Rucheva
Alina Sergeevna Rucheva
Assistant Professor, Marketing Department
Ekaterina Andreevna Nazarenko
Ekaterina Andreevna Nazarenko
Marketing Department

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