The stakeholder theory personifies the relationship of business with society and nature. It changes the narrow way we think about business and requires a focus on meeting the economic, social and environmental expectations of all stakeholders. In result, the UN SDGs and the modern ESG agenda obtains its real content and particular actors. It is the stakeholder theory that requires the renewal of business strategies and models for the benefit of society and nature, the transformation of the way resources are used and value is created.
The two-days track “Business in Society: The Stakeholder Perspective” provides participants with the unique opportunity to discuss the current issues in the field with the international group of scholars from leading Business Schools and Universities. We invite paper proposals that address stakeholder theory developments, as well as analysis of current companies' practices and experiences based on the stakeholder approach. The track will be supplemented by two Round Tables, which will be held for Russian speaking business and academic audience. We invite participants for open discussion on the stakeholder theory implementation into the business practices as well as on the issues of related teaching in Business Schools and Universities.
Suggested topics include (but are not limited to) the following:
Keywords presenting the track: Stakeholder theory, UN Sustainability Development Goals (UN SDGs), ESG-agenda, corporate social responsibility (CSR), corporate sustainability, social entrepreneurship, emerging markets, management development, management education.
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