Ivo Matser,
Chief Executive Officer, ABIS - The Academy of Business in Society
The traditional Business in Society paradigm is undergoing significant changes. Entering into the human-influenced Anthropocene age accelerated by the 4th industrial revolution has already transformed both the very meaning of sustainability and the role of business in reaching UN SDGs. The concept of CSR is increasingly implemented via the actual models of corporate sustainability. But the clock is ticking faster, and the COVID-19 pandemic vividly illustrates the exacerbation of interconnected global problems and complicates the very UN SDGs. This unforeseen "acid test" gave us a chance to understand whether the businesses that have already entered the sustainability path are prepared for the New Reality. Such incredible shifts and challenges can and should be also specified and answered in the particular Emerging Markets context.
The one-day track “Business in Society: changing paradigm and a New Reality” provides participants with the unique opportunity to analyze these shifts and their effects as well as current issues in the field within Emerging Markets. We invite paper proposals that address the global, regional/national, and company levels of the Track and Conference topics.
The track will start with the presentation of the Russian edition of the seminal book "Moral capitalism: reconciling private interest with the public good" by Stephen Young, Global Executive Director of the Caux Round Table.
Suggested topics include (but are not limited to) the following:
Keywords presenting the track: sustainable development, the 4th industrial revolution, New Reality, UN Sustainability Development Goals (UN SDGs), corporate social responsibility (CSR), corporate sustainability, social entrepreneurship, emerging markets, management development, management education.
BOOK PRESENTATION (November 11, 2020)
Нравственный капитализм: согласование частных интересов с общественным благом. Издательство СПбГУ, 2021
Спикер: Стивен Янг, исполнительный директор Caux Round Table
Фундаментальная работа Стивена Янга, увидевшая свет в 2003 г., впервые представляется широкому российскому читателю. За прошедшие годы книга не утратила своей актуальности, более того — обострение глобальных проблем и пандемия COVID-19, возрастание роли бизнеса в достижении Целей устойчивого развития ООН и необходимость углубления взаимодействия компаний с заинтересованными сторонами — заставляют по-новому взглянуть на концепцию нравственного капитализма и основанный на ней управленческий инструментарий. Современное звучание работы подкреплено специально подготовленными к российскому изданию развернутым авторским введением, а также предисловием, написанным легендой мирового бизнеса — Полом Полманом.
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