Dmitry Alexeevich Trubnikov

Guest lecturer

Dmitry Alexeevich Trubnikov


2014 - 2018 PhD in Law, Science and Technology

Tilburg University (Netherlands), Bologna University (Italy).

Thesis: The Competitive Order for the New Economy: Lessons from the Telecommunications Experience

Supervisors: Prof.dr. Ronald Leenes, Prof.dr. Pierre Larouche

2008 - 2010 Candidate of Economic Sciences (Russian equivalent for PhD in Economics; International classification: ISCED8),

Samara State University of Economics (Samara, RF),

Thesis: The Mechanisms of Development of the Electronics Industry in the Russian Federation (on the Example of Telecommunications Equipment Production) Major: Economics, Organization and Management of Industrial Enterprises and Complexes

2000 - 2002 Computational Economist (Specialist degree; International classification: ISCED7), Povolzhskiy State University of Telecommunications and Informatics (Samara, RF) Major: Applied Information Science in Economics,

Second specialist degree.

1995 - 2000 Engineer (Specialist degree; International classification: ISCED7),

Povolzhskiy State University of Telecommunications and Informatics (Samara, RF)

Major: Radio Communication, Radio Broadcasting and Television.


2023 - Senior Researcher,

Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade (Serbia); Center for Advanced Studies Southeast Europe, University of Rijeka, (Croatia)

2019 - 2022 Associate Professor,

Department of Management, St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management, HSE University (Russian Federation)

2020 - 2022 Academic Director of the Master in International Business (MIB) Program, Department of Management, St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management, HSE University (Russian Federation)

2018 - 2019 Research Associate,

Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society (TILT), Tilburg University (Netherlands)

2018 - 2019 Associate Professor,

Institute of Economics and Management, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University (Russian Federation).

2017 - 2018 Associate Professor,

Institute of Industrial Economics and Management, Kaliningrad State Technical University (Russian Federation)

2014 - 2018 PhD Researcher in Law, Science and Technology,

Joint International Doctorate in Law, Science and Technology (LAST-JD) coordinated by University of Bologna (Italy), supervised by Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society (TILT), Tilburg University (Netherlands)

2012 - 2014 Assistant Professor,

Department of General and Strategic Management, Samara University (Russian Federation)


Guest Lecturer [2021 - present], Graduate School of Management (GSOM), Saint Petersburg University (St.Petersburg, RF). Course taught: “Managerial Economics” for Master in Management (MiM) Program

Invited Speaker, Faculty of Economics at HSE Campus in Nizhny Novgorod, open lecture on “Rent-seeking in Strategic Business Decisions” [October 2021]

Academic Council Chair of the Master in International Business (MIB) programme, St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management, HSE University [2021 - 2022]

Faculty Council Member of St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management, HSE University [2020 - 2022]

International Business Track Chair, HSE SPb Winter School 2021 [Feb. 2021] and HSE SPb Winter School 2022 [Feb. 2022]


At HSE University:

Managerial Economics (Master level, language of the course: English)

Economic Foundations of Management (Bachelor level, language of the course: English) Global Challenges for International Business (Master level, language of the course: English)

Contemporary Project Management Techniques (Bachelor level, language of the course: English)


At Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University and Kaliningrad State Technical University: Anti-Corruption Law (Specialist level, language of the course: Russian)

Shadow Economy (Specialist level, language of the course: Russian) Entrepreneurship (Bachelor level, language of the course: Russian) Business Law (Bachelor level, language of the course: Russian)


Chief Operating Officer (COO) [2012 - 2014], TechСontact Ltd. (Samara, RF). The company was one of the major players in the market of telecommunications infrastructure construction in

Samara Region and operated in Volga Federal District of the RF. The company participated in projects of development of telecommunications networks of the major telecommunications services providers of Russia, as well as many alternative telecommunications companies.

Deputy General Director [2005 - 2011], Sakha-Belcom Ltd. (MetroMax Group) (Samara, RF). In December 2005, the company launched the first ever Russian wireless broadband network of WiMAX standard. I was one of the originators of the project and one of the senior executives of the company. By 2010 with my direct participation the company had rolled out its wireless networks, as well as telephone and FTTB networks in several regions of Volga and South Federal Districts of Russia.

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) [2006 - 2008], Soyuz-S ltd., the subsidiary company of MetroMax Group and one of the alternative telephone operating companies in Samara. At that time, the company was presented in the register of natural monopolies of the Russian Federation.

Economist, [2002 - 2004], Department of Financial Planning and Analysis, SamTelecom (Samara, RF).


Russian: mother tongue English: C2

Italian: B1 Serbian: B1


Journal Publications:

  • Trubnikov D. and Trubnikova E. (2023) From Bogus Journals to Predatory Universities: The Evolution of the Russian Academic Sphere Within the Predatory Settings of the State. Minerva,
  • Trubnikov D. (2022) Rethinking the pandemic narrative: An ordoliberal perspective. Economic Affairs, 42(2), 327-343, DOI: 10.1111/ecaf.12522.
  • Trubnikov D. (2021) What Entrepreneurship is Really “Productive”? An Alternative View on Baumol's Typology. Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 16: e00258. DOI: 10.1016/j.jbvi.2021.e00258
  • Trubnikov D. (2021) Ordoliberal Foundations of European Economic Policy: Myths and Reality. World Economy and International Relations, 65(4): 50-57. DOI: 10.20542/0131-2227-2021-65-4-50-57
  • Trubnikov D. (2020) The Russian Telecommunications Experience: A Positive Outcome of the Competitive Order in the Industry. Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade, 20: 35-58. DOI: 10.1007/s10842-019-00304-5
  • Trubnikov D. and Trubnikova E. (2019) The Political Economy of ‘Ordered Competition’ in European Telecoms. Economic Affairs, 39(2): 184-196. DOI: 10.1111/ecaf.12349
  • Trubnikov D. (2019) The Public Choice View at the “Deregulation” Movement: Analyzing the Experience of European Telecommunications. The Law, State and Telecommunications Review / Revista de Direito, Estado e Telecomunicações, 11(1): 1-22. DOI: 10.26512/ lstr.v11i1.24846
  • Trubnikov D. (2019) Deregulation of European Telecommunications: The Role of Private Interests.
  • Ekonomicheskaya Politika / Economic Policy, 14(4): 142-165. DOI: 10.18288/1994-5124-2019-4-142-165
  • Trubnikova E. and Trubnikov D. (2018). The Problem of Institutional Corruption in the System of Higher Education. Vysshee obrazovanie v Rossii / Higher Education in Russia, 27(12): 29-38. DOI: 10.31992/0869-3617-2018-27-12-29-38
  • Trubnikov D. and Trubnikova E. (2018) Is Universal Service Justified by the Public Interest? From the Early Days to the Digital Age. Economic Affairs, 38(2): 185-196. DOI: 10.1111/ecaf. 12290
  • Trubnikov D. (2017) Analysing the Impact of Regulation on Disruptive Innovations: The Case of Wireless Technology. Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade, 17(4): 399-420. DOI: 10.1007/s10842-016-0243-y
  • Trubnikov D. (2017) Regulation of Telecommunications: the Choice Between Market and Regulatory Failures. The Law, State and Telecommunications Review / Revista de Direito, Estado e Telecomunicações, 9(1): 25-46. DOI: 10.26512/lstr.v9i1.21511



  • Trubnikova E. and Trubnikov D. (2014) Intellectual Property Rights: Threats, Discussions, Perspectives. Samara: Publishing House of Samara Science Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences. P.142. ISBN 978-5-93424-700-4
  • Trubnikov D. and Trubnikova E. (2010) The Institutional Features of Infocommunications Industry of the Russian Federation. Samara: Publishing House of Samara Science Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences. P. 210. ISBN 978-5-93424-468-3


Conference Presentations:

  • Trubnikov D., Trubnikova E. (2019) The Competitive Order for the Digital Age. The 6th International Research GSOM Emerging Markets Conference (GSOM EMC-2019). 3-5 October 2019. GSOM, SPbU, Saint Petersburg, Russia.
  • Trubnikov D., Trubnikova E. (2018) The Interplay of Corruption and Innovation in Emerging Economies. The 5th International Research GSOM Emerging Markets Conference (GSOM EMC-2018). 4-6 October 2018. GSOM, SPbU, Saint Petersburg, Russia.
  • Trubnikov D. (2017) The Effect of IPR on Disruptive Innovations in Wireless Communications. TILTing Perspectives 2017 Conference: Regulating a connected world. 17-19 May 2017. Tilburg, Netherlands.
  • Trubnikov D. (2017) The Use of Knowledge and the Role of Free Market Mechanisms in the Era of Big Data. TILTing Perspectives Conference 2017: Regulating a connected world. 17-19 May 2017. Tilburg, Netherlands.


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