The Graduate School of Management, St. Petersburg State University (GSOM SPbU) summed up the results of the 2019-2020 academic year. On July 15, 151 bachelors and 129 masters received congratulations from the administration and faculty on the occasion of their successful graduation from the business school. During the year, GSOM has risen in the rankings, successfully transferred all academic processes online while making significant progress in the development of its digital educational environment, and has made progress in its efforts to achieve the coveted "triple crown" of business education accreditation.
The Graduate School of Management of St. Petersburg State University (GSOM SPbU) as part of its cooperation with VTB Bank, held webinars for bank managers. In total, over 160 VTB executives attended the webinars. The professors of the Executive MBA programs at GSOM SPbU talked about creating the best customer experience and managing change.
The Graduate School of Management of St. Petersburg University (GSOM), together with representatives of the GSOM Advisory Board, are developing a course on training line managers for corporations. The educational course will become one of the pilot projects as part of the updating of the Business School Strategy until 2025, one of the key tasks of which is to actively interact with the member companies of the Advisory Board in the training of qualified management personnel.
In 2020, the Graduate School of Management of St. Petersburg University (GSOM) began updating the development strategy until 2025
Sergey I. Kiryukov, Associate Professor of GSOM Marketing Department co-authored the course Art of Sales on the Coursera platform.
Professors and alumni of the Graduate School of Management of St. Petersburg University (GSOM) have created for the VK Cup VKontakte project a course of eight lectures on the basics of doing business in IT companies. The project manager was Margarita Gladkova, Academic Director of the Business Analytics and Big Data Master's program.
In addition to transferring all students' classes to an online format, the GSOM team has developed a plan to adapt extracurricular activities to the digital environment. The plan of online events is aimed at supporting students in an unstable situation and returning access to the various opportunities of the School — networking, teamwork and communication with employers. Activities are carried out in four main areas: career support, personal development, mentoring and networking, sports and leisure.
Tatyana A. Gavrilova, professor and Head of the Department of Information Technology in Management, Graduate School of Management, St. Petersburg University (GSOM), gave a comment to the first electronic issue of Expert North-West magazine.
On April 2, the regular meeting of the Strategy Commission of GSOM SPbU took place. Due to the complicated epidemiological situation, the meeting with members of GSOM Advisory Board and School partners was held in an online format
On April 3, 2020, at the Graduate School of Management, SPbU, more than 60 representatives of the faculty discussed the organization of an online work with students in an online format. Professors shared their experience in keeping students' attention in online class, tools for interactive work, and much more.
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