6 March 2020
On February 28 in the Volkhovskiy Building Master's programs open day took place. Programs were presented by Elena A. Lebedeva, Director of Master's Programs, and Academic Directors of the MIM, MSF, MiBA, and MUMD programs.
Olga N. Alkanova, Academic Director of Master in Management program, presented it to the futurе enrollees. Master in Management (MiM) program – is one of the programs being carried out by GSOM SPbU since 1999. The GSOM Master in Management program is unique not only by its content, but also by its achievements: it the only master program in Russia which is listed in the Financial Times ranking “Master in Management”. The curriculum of the program includes the core disciplines aimed at diversifying the study of all management areas, elective ones and range of trainings and workshops aimed at developing the professional and research competencies.
Nickolay A. Zenkevich, Academic Director of Master in Corporate Finance and Candidate of Science told about advantages of MCF program. The Corporate Finance program is aimed at training highly qualified managers who will specialize in company finance management, investment, banking, consulting and auditing.
The next Master program was presented by Margarita A. Gladkova, Senior Lecturer in the Department of Operational Management, and Academic Director of the "Business Analytics and Big Data" program. The design of the MiBA Program is aimed to develop fundamental knowledge in management as well as in extant analytical techniques which can be applied to support managerial decisions. Graduates know big data analytics tools and able to use them to solve business problems. At least 40% of the courses are practical. For example, the courses “Statistical Programming in Python”, “Machine Learning”, “Enterprise Architecture”, “Marketing Analytics”, “Design Thinking”.
And the newest Master program in the portfolio of Master programs at GSOM SPbU — Master in Urban Management and Development (MUMD) — was presented by Ekaterina V. Sokolova, Assistant Professor of State and Municipal Administration, Academic Program Director. Students are offered courses to form a systematic approach to the selection of directions and methods for the development of cities and regions. The curriculum includes both instrumental disciplines (for example, Instrumental Methods for Regional and Municipal Policy Assessment, Public-Private Partnerships, Regulatory Impact Assessment, etc.) and disciplines that widely use the case method in the educational process (for example , “Strategic Planning and Management of State Programs”., “Urban Economics and Development”, “Smart Cities”, etc.). The program is suitable for both management and engineering specialties alumni.
As part of the program, students have the opportunity to go to the exchange-semester, take part in the selection for CEMS programs, a double diploma with WU-Vienna, LUT-Lappeenranta, HEC-Paris. Courses in the programs are taught in English, including by invited foreign specialists.
Acceptance of documents is open from March 2 to July 20, 2020. The next Master's program open day will be held on April 4, 2020.
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