Despite the current situation with the closure of countries and cities, we hope that the quarantine will not last long, and GSOM students will be able to go for exchange in the fall of 2020 and spring of 2021 to the School's partner universities
Every complexity today can turn into an opportunity tomorrow, if you add a little optimism, desire and action. Even when the world is “paused,” we can be inspired and inspire. GSOM SPbU alumni do not stop proving that borders exist only in our heads.
Large companies around the world use Design Thinking as a methodology for solving business, engineering, product and other tasks. This methodology is based on a creative rather than an analytical approach to thinking. We talked with Tatyana Bobrus, GSOM SPbU alumni, CEO of SAMSONOWA & Partners in Russia, author and lecturer of the GSOM Design Thinking course, and asked her how the course works, why it is important to learn to come up with new product ideas, and what helps to achieve success in this process.
Internships in companies are an opportunity for students to gain experience in solving real business problems in real work conditions. But combining training and internships is difficult
Each semester, Bachelor and Master students have an opportunity to go an exchange semester to one of the GSOM SPbU partner universities. Ekaterina Nefedovich, 2nd year student of the MiM program, has returned after a semester at Babson College, USA. We talked with Ekaterina and found out how useful the experience of studying in the USA is, how much life and accomodation cost there, and whether travel and study can be combined.
On February 19, 2020, the second meeting of the Strategy Commission under the GSOM SPbU Advisory Board took place in Moscow.
Not all applicants applying for GSOM SPbU have a basic managerial or economic education.
Students and applicants to GSOM SPbU know that after graduation they will have almost unlimited employment opportunities
Natalia Kravchenko, HR business partner at Unilever, in an interview during Management Career Week: Autumn 2019, told how to begin with a student who plans to build a successful career in an international company, what competencies should be possessed, and what trends are present in all professional areas and why the qualities of a “person with high ethical principles” are so important in business
Dmitry Baykov is alumnus of the first MBA program of the Graduate School of Management of St. Petersburg University, shared his memories of studying at GSOM, working at the University, and also spoke about the main secret of successful business.
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