2 September 2019
On August 30, 2019, we celebrated a GSOM Freshman Day on the "Mikhailovskaya Dacha" campus. GSOM Freshman Day brings together first-year Bachelor, Master and exchange students.
GSOM Freshman Day began with a general meeting of all new students and their parents. The students were greeted by Director of the School Olga K. Dergunova, Head of School,Konstantin V. Krotov and Director of Bachelor and Master programs Vitaly V. Mishuchkov.
After the general meeting, students split: Masters went to meet with the academic directors of the programs (MiM, MCF, MPM, MiBA), and Bachelors remained in the conference hall where the organizational meeting was held. During this meeting, students had the opportunity to ask questions online.
After this meeting, Bachelor students also met with academic program directors (International Management, Management, State and Municipal Administration). Then they were told how to use the library, about Student Council and how English is taught at GSOM SPbU. A separate meeting was organized for parents.
Networking was organized for Master students, where they introduced and discussed their goals for the next two years. After that, Elizaveta Troyanova, Career Center Director, told students about the activities of the center, case championships and the possibilities of included training.
This year GSOM SPbU welcomes 230 bachelors, 161 masters students. All of them have overcame serious selection process and became members of GSOM Family.
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