Master in Management (MiM) is the flagship program of the Graduate School of Management of St. Petersburg University, which has existed since 1999. MiM is included in the international ranking of Financial Times.
During the study, students of the program acquire universal management skills for various departments of Russian and international companies, including development, marketing, logistics and analytics. These skills allow you to work quickly and effectively anywhere in the world and make informed decisions based on modern knowledge and global vision.
New opportunity for MIM students!
Exchange semester
One of the advantages of the program is the possibility of passing the exchange studies in the partner schools of GSOM SPbU. After the first semester, students participate in a competitive selection, choosing foreign business schools. The number of partner universities with which GSOM SPBU implements bilateral exchange programs is growing every year. Today, it exceeds 89 schools, which are the world and national leaders in business education. The geography of GSOM SPBU partner schools is also extensive and covers almost all time zones and continents.
The program includes a wide range of basic management courses, and is suitable for students with a bachelor's degree that is not directly related to management. The program can help those who was not familiar with management before to retrain and strengthen managerial knowledge and skills.
The curriculum of the first year is based on the study of general management courses, after which students are given an opportunity to form their own schedule from elective courses, which are divided into areas: international business, marketing, international logistics, ect.
The program is aimed at the diverse development of students - both in terms of professional business skills, including analytical skills and critical thinking, and in terms of developing communication and leadership skills. Studying is conducted in English.
Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management
This is an advanced course in organizational behavior, with the focus on developing diagnostic and managerial skills of the students. Students will understand how to analyze dynamics of human-related processes in organization, and thus, to develop their skills, as future organizational citizens and potential managers, to effectively manage their relationships with coworkers, managers, subordinates, clients and customers.
Corporate Finance
Financial efficiency and profit are main indicators of business success. Students will understand how a budget is formed, learn how to analyze financial flows and investments, redistribute funds to achieve optimal growth of a company.
Contemporary Strategic Analysis
Analysis of a market, competitors and consumers, necessary for the launch and development of a company or a product. Students will learn how to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of a business compared to other players, determine the most effective ways and strategies for product development, and managing various areas of companies.
Quantitative Methods of Business Research
Making management decisions is often directly related to the results of market research. Students will learn how to determine the necessary areas of research, to collect and analyze quantitative data using special programs and frameworks.
Managerial Economics
The course devoted to consideration of economic principles in terms of effective business management. Students will learn how to analyze the market, optimally allocate resources and determine the best alternative to business development.
The program includes a wide range of courses in different areas, including international business, innovation management, marketing, supply chain management, entrepreneurship, innovation, research methods, etc.
The most popular elective courses are:
Practical seminars and trainings on the development of soft skills help to expand the horizons and skills of students. Curriculum includes training in creating presentations, teamwork, conducting business negotiations, as well as in developing communication and social skills. In addition to developing soft skills, the program provides training on working with special software. All trainings involve active involvement of representatives of Russian and international companies — corporate partners of GSOM SPbU..
Students are given an opportunity to learn a second foreign language to gain an additional competitive advantage. Therefore, a second foreign language, in addition to English, is part of the curriculum and a mandatory requirement for all students. Each student is offered one of the following languages — Chinese, French, German, and Spanish for three semesters (foreign students are also given an opportunity to learn Russian as a foreign language).
Consulting project
One of the mandatory elements of the curriculum in the second year of study is the development of a consulting project. Students, united in teams of 5-6 people with the obligatory involvement of exchange students, carry out a project to solve a real-time managerial problem formulated by a corporate partner of GSOM SPBU (each group is working on its own project). The work is supervised simultaneously by a representative of the partner company and a teacher of GSOM SPBU.
Summer and Spring internships
After the first year of study, each student passes a mandatory internship in one of the partner companies of GSOM SPBU. This part of the program is designed to help students learn how to apply their theoretical knowledge and practical skills in a real business environment. The internship lasts at least 6 weeks and usually takes place in the largest Russian or international companies.
Also, students can choose industrial internships which duration 6-12 month.
You can see the general structure of program in the table below.
Each student works on their master thesis under the guidance of a research supervisor, who is selected based on the student's professional interests stated in the research seminar. Work on the master's thesis begins in the first semester and continues until the defense at the final stage of the study. Every semester, students submit a report on the progress of work on their thesis, a mandatory part of which is to conduct independent research.
The program is aimed at training specialists who can participate in making informed decisions in various functional areas of management based on a system of modern management knowledge and global vision.
Students have internships at leading Russian and international companies: Russian Railways, Rosneft, Sberbank, , Citibank, VTB, Kept, Gazprom, T2, Google, Yakov and Partners, Unilever and many others.
Possible career paths for graduates of the Management program include the following:
The Career Center helps students and graduates with the search for internships and work. Students receive newsletters of current vacancies in partner companies, and are advised on the preparation and updating of CV's, they get recommendations on exhibitions and employment events. More information about the Career Center can be found here
GSOM SPBU closely monitors the career development of graduates, regularly collects data about the companies where they work, and interviews them. To view graduate success stories, click here
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