Duration | 3 years | ||
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Format | Full-time attendance | ||
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Academic major | 5.2.6. «Management» | ||
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Language of instruction | English | ||
Vacant places |
6 budget places |
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Financial support | Research grants Payment for participation in leading international conferences and seminars |
3 | years of study |
1 | program |
100% | disciplines taught in English |
For the 1st time in Russia St. Petersburg state university offers a unique doctoral program in management (Academic major – 5.2.6. Management) which is based on international educational standards.
It is an English-language program.
You can apply for a program by submitting “Application”.
GSOM Doctoral program - is a part of SPbU GSOM ecosystem which includes science and research centers, library, resource centers etc.
The aim of the program is to promote research environment at SPbU GSOM through training researchers of international level in business and management area and to engage doctoral students into SPbU GSOM researchers’ scientific projects. The program is dedicated to students interested in pursuing an academic career in leading Russian and international business schools.
A full-time program (3 years)
Academic major:
5.2.6. "Management"
2024 entrance examinations programs:
Examination period:
From 29th July until 8th August, 2024
admission rules are relevant for citizens of Russia and citizens of the following countries: Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine
Citizens of other countries are admitted based on a portfolio competition: https://abiturient.spbu.ru/en/
Doctoral program studies imply close collaboration with a Research advisor at all stages of your dissertation research. The choice of research advisor is defined by scholars’ main research directions which you can see at this page. For more detailed information about each research advisor please visit “Professors” page.
You can contact academic director of the program, Associate Professor, Candidate of Sciences in Economics Karina A. Bogatyreva ( k.bogatyreva@gsom.spbu.ru) with questions regarding the choice of research advisor or his/her research directions. Academic director of the program can help you to define the list of potential research advisors, specify the topic of your research project and help to arrange a meeting with potential research advisor.
Karina A. Bogatyreva
Associate Professor, Candidate of Sciences in Economics
Hirsch index in SCOPUS H = 8
Link to SCOPUS profile
Olga.N. Alkanova
Senior Lecturer, Candidate of Science (Economics)
Hirsch index in SCOPUS H = 1
Link to SCOPUS profile
Research grants:
Data collection grants:
Other R&D projects:
Yulia N. Aray
Associate Professor, Candidate of Science (Economics)
Hirsch index in SCOPUS H = 4
Link to SCOPUS profile
Yury E. Blagov
Associate Professor, Department of Strategic and International Management
Director, Research Center for Corporate Social Responsibility
Director, Project Management for Social Entrepreneurs program
Candidate of Sciences in Economics
Hirsch index in SCOPUS H = 3
Link to SCOPUS profile
Liubov A. Ermolaeva
Assistant Professor, PhD in Economics
Hirsch index in SCOPUS H = 5
Link to SCOPUS profile
Russian-speaking migrant entrepreneurs strategies
International entrepreneurship in the era of closed borders
The role of climate governance in global value chains configuration
Strategies of Russian-speaking migrant entrepreneurs (plan to attract grants)
Transborder entrepreneurship in the era of closed borders (grant expires but there is data and plan to attract the new one)
How climate governance affects global value chains (grant RNF)
Response strategies of foreign subsidiaries in Russia to the environmental shock (new project! Aim to attract grant)
Resilience of Russian-speaking international entrepreneurs
ESG agenda in international strategies of metal firms
International relations perspective on foreign MNE’s subsidiaries strategies in Russia
The role of networks and language in entrepreneurial strategies of Russian-speaking migrants
Oparin, E., Panibratov, A., & Ermolaeva, L. (2021). Digital health studies: Business and management theory perspective, Journal of East-West Business, accepted
Panibratov, A., Kalinin, A., Zhang, Y., Ermolaeva, L., Korovkin, V., Nefedov, K., & Selivanovskikh, L. (2022), The Belt and Road Initiative as a complex phenomenon: The systematic literature review and implications for future research agenda, Eurasian Geography and Economics, forthcoming, DOI: 10.1080/15387216.2020.1857288
Rissanen, T., Ermolaeva, L., Saarenketo, T., Torkkeli, L., Ahi, M. 2020. The role of home market context in business model change in internationalizing SMEs. European Business Review, 32 (2), pp. 257-275
Kokoulina, L., Ermolaeva, L., Ritala, P., Patala, S. 2019. Championing processes and the emergence of industrial symbiosis, Regional Studies, 53(4), 528-539. DOI: 10.1080/00343404.2018.1473568
Ermolaeva L., Freixanet J., Panibratov A. 2019. The role of absorptive capacity in the relationship between firm internationalization and innovation: evidence from Russia, Journal of East European Management Studies, 23 (4), 621-641
Ermolaeva, L., Nefedov, K., Panibratov, A. 2019. Internationalisation Driving Value Chain Configuration: The Case of Emerging Market IT Companies, Journal of East-West Business, DOI: 10.1080/10669868.2018.1475316
Ermolaeva L. 2019. M&A deals completion and abandonment by Russian MNE. International Journal of Emerging Markets, 14 (3), 475-494. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJOEM-05-2016-0140
Joan Freixanet Solervicens
Associate Professor, Marketing Department
Hirsch index in SCOPUS H = 9
Link to SCOPUS profile
Olga L. Garanina
Associate Professor, Candidate of Science (Economics), PhD (Economics)
Hirsch index in SCOPUS H = 2
Link to SCOPUS profile
Climate Challenges and Development of Sustainable Value Chains in Northern Europe: Opportunities and Competitiveness of Firms in Northwest Russia (grant RSF, 22-28-20430, 2022-2023)
Natural gas demand scenarios under decarbonization constraint (visiting researcher fellowship, Grenoble-Alps University, France, January-February 2020)
Climate Challenges and Development of Sustainable Value Chains in Northern Europe: Opportunities and Competitiveness of Firms in Northwest Russia (ongoing since March 2022, supported by Russian Science Foundation)
Plans to attract funding on the topic of Sustainability issues in international business
Climate and environmental sustainability in international business strategies
ESG agenda of state-owned companies in various institutional contexts
Garanina O. (2021). Perspectives of Common EAEU Oil and Gas Markets. In Piskulova, Natalia A. (Ed.) The Economic Dimension of Eurasian Integration. Palgrave Macmillan, p. 107-124. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-59886-0_5
Гаранина О.Л. (2021). Повестка энергетического перехода: вызовы для России в контексте пандемии // Российский внешнеэкономический вестник. № 4. С. 40-52.
Абрамова, А. В., Гаранина, О. Л. (2019). Влияние санкций на развитие российских ТНК в рамках глобальных цепочек стоимости (на примере энергетики и ИКТ) // Российский внешнеэкономический вестник. №2, С.35-48.
Tatiana A. Gavrilova
Professor, Doctor of Computer Science
Hirsch index in SCOPUS H = 10
Link to SCOPUS profile
2017-2019 “MEthodology and TEchnology of Ontology development via integRation of heterogeneous data sources (METEOR)”, RFBR grant 17-07-00228
2019-2020 Development of the ONTology of ConSumer Knowledge on innovAtive pRoducts and servIces (ONTARIS). SPbGU
2020-2022 “Formation of knowledge bases based on empirical research data: an ontological approach (EMPIRION)”
New digital knowledge management tools with AI elements
Knowledge Maps for Universities
New Knowledge management tools with the use of artificial intelligence: theory and practice
Shaping the company's digital knowledge landscape
Visual Models of Knowledge: Subjective and Objective Barriers
Business Models for AI Startups: A Time of Opportunity
Kudryavtsev D., Gavrilova T., Smirnova M., Golovacheva K. Modelling Consumer Knowledge: the Role of Ontology // Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems, Proc. of 24th International Conference KES 2020, Procedia Computer Science, vol.176, Elsevier, 2020. – pp. 500-507. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.procs.2020.08.052
Kudryavtsev D., Gavrilova T., Begler A. Creating Core Ontology for Social Sciences Empirical Data Integration // In Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2020), Vol. 2: KEOD, ISBN 978-989-758-474-9, 2020. - pp. 267-274. DOI: 10.5220/0010146502670274
Schiuma, G., Gavrilova, T. and Carlucci, D. (2022) Knowledge visualisation for strategic decision-making in the digital age. Guest editorial // Management Decision, Vol. 60 No. 4, pp. 885-892. ISSN: 0025-1747 https://doi.org/10.1108/MD-04-2022-181
Gavrilova T., Grinberg E. Visual ontology sketching for preliminary knowledge base design // In: Bi Y., Bhatia R., Kapoor S. (eds) Intelligent Systems and Applications. Intellisys 2019. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol. 1037. Springer, Cham, 2020. - pp. 566-576. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-29516-5_44
Andrei E. Ivanov
Associate Professor, Department of Public Administration
Academic Director, Executive Education Programs
Candidate of Science (Mathematics)
Hirsch index in SCOPUS H = 2
Link to SCOPUS profile
Dmitry G. Kucherov
Associate Professor, Candidate of Science
Hirsch index in SCOPUS H = 5
Link to SCOPUS profile
HRM practices as the basis for company’s sustainable development after COVID-19 pandemic
Employer branding practices as a factor of attractiveness of knowledge-intensive firms on labor market
Transformation of human resource management of Russian companies within digital economy
Employer branding and recruitment performance: longitudinal research
Digitalization of employer branding
Sustainable human resource management in emerging markets
Flexible work in emerging markets
Human resource management in crisis times
Organizational identity and its impact on employer attractiveness
Employer branding and firm performance
Sustainable human resource management: social, organizational, ecological and individual effects
Human resource management in knowledge-intensive firms
Relationship between sustainable human resource management practices and employee well-being
Kucherov, D., Tsybova, V., Lisovskaia, A., Alkanova, O. (2022). Brand orientation, employer branding and internal branding: Do they effect on recruitment during the COVID-19 pandemic? Journal of Business Research, forthcoming.
Kucherov, D., Alkanova O., Lisovskaia, A., & Tsybova, V. (2022). Employer branding orientation: effects on recruitment performance under COVID-19. International Journal of Human Resource Management, forthcoming.
Kucherov, D., & Tsybova, V. (2021). The contribution of e-recruitment practices to e-recruitment outcomes in Russian companies. Measuring Business Excellence, forthcoming. https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/MBE-02-2021-0017/full/html
Kucherov, D., & Zhiltsova, E. (2021). Social media in employer branding in FMCG in Russia: Millennials’ perspective. Journal of East-West Business. 27(2), 160-183. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/10669868.2020.1862383?journalCode=wjeb20
Kucherov D., Vasiliev D., Tsybova V. The role of public authorities’ employer image in recruiting young specialists. Public administration issues, 3, 180-199.
Kucherov, D., Lisovskaia, A., Alkanova O., & Tsybova, V. (2021). Employer branding practices in russian subsidiaries of multinational companies. Management in Russia and abroad. 2, 69-77.
Marina O. Latukha
Professor, Doctor of Economics
Hirsch index in SCOPUS H = 8
Link to SCOPUS profile
Talent management practices, absorptive capacity and its relationship with firm performance
Managing talent diversity: The role of gender, generations and culturally different employees in shaping firms’ results
From brain drain to brain gain: The agenda for talent management in overcoming talent migration from emerging markets
Macro talent management in different political regimes
HRM practices transferring to foreign subsidiaries
Chinese diaspora in Russia: Creating knowledge sharing via talent management practices
Generations in family firms
Returnees’ presence, talent management and firms’ innovative capabilities
Antecedents and outcomes of organizational resilience:
Multilevel analysis (grant expected in 2022)
Stigmatization in M&A deals (grant received in 2019)
The influence of physical and societal stigma sources on the emergence, behaviors, and effectiveness of female leaders (grant expected in 2023)
Human capital investments and divestments in the context of crisis (grant expected in 2022)
The role of talent diversity in family firms internationalization (grant expected in 2022)
HRM and macro talent management ecosystems for ESG performance of EMNCs (grant expected in 2022)
Antecedents and outcomes of organizational resilience: Multilevel analysis
Stigmatization in M&A deals
The influence of physical and societal stigma sources on the emergence, behaviors, and effectiveness of female leaders
Human capital investments and divestments in the context of crisis
State policy and its role in macro talent management
The role of talent diversity in firms internationalization results
HRM and macro talent management ecosystems for ESG performance of EMNCs
Latukha, M. (edited) 2022. Diversity in Action: Managing Diverse Talent in Global Economies, forthcoming, September, 05 in print.
Latukha, M. (edited) 2018. Talent Management in Global Organizations: A Cross-Country Perspective. UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
Управление развитием человеческих ресурсов / Е.К. Завьялова, М.О. Латуха // CПб.: Издат. дом СПбГУ, 2017.
Latukha, M. 2016. Talent Management in Emerging Market Firms: Global Strategy and Local Challenges. UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
Cross-Border Strategy and Operations: Finnish Companies in Russia. A Collection of Cases / Edited by Andrey G. Medvedev and Marina O. Latukha/ / Graduate School of Management, St.Petersburg State University. – St.Petersburg: Publishing House «Graduate School of Management», 2012.
Papers in academic journals
Latukha, M., Michailova, S., Ott, D., Khasieva, D. 2022. Gender, talent management, and firm performance: MNCs’ female-focused talent management practices in Russia, Employee Relations, 10.1108/ER-04-2021-0132.
Latukha, M., Shagalkina, M., Mitskevich, E., Strogetskaya, E. 2021. From brain drain to brain gain: the agenda for talent management in overcoming talent migration from emerging markets, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, DOI: 10.1080/09585192.2021.1949374.
Shagalkina M. V, Telov V. V., Latukha M. O., Panibratov A. Yu. 2021. The determinants of returnees’ decision to come back to Russia. Russian Management Journal 19 (1): 97–116. (In Russian).
Latukha, M., Michailova, S., Selivanovskikh, L., Kozachuk, T. 2021. Talent management, organizational ambidexterity, and performance: Evidence from Russian firms, Thunderbird International Business Review, 10.1002/TIE.22251.
Latukha, M., Shagalkina, M., Kalinina, E. and Khasieva, D. 2021. Does gender matter? Gender talent migration and its implication for talent management, Journal of Global Mobility, 9 (2): 191-216. https://doi.org/10.1108/JGM-12-2020-0079
Латуха М. О., Хасиева Д. Д., Веселова А. С., Шагалкина М. В., Селивановских Л. В. 2020. Гендерно-ориентированные практики управления талантливыми сотрудниками в российских компаниях. Вестник Санкт-Петербургского университета. Менеджмент, 19 (1): 34–66. https://doi.org/10.21638/11701/spbu08.2020.102
Mao, Y., Latukha, M., Selivanovskikh, L. 2020. From brain drain to brain gain in emerging markets: Exploring the new agenda for global talent management in talent migration, European Journal of International Management, http://doi.org/10.1504/EJIM.2020.10025787, https://www.inderscience.com/info/ingeneral/forthcoming.php?jcode=ejim
Mihailova, I., Panibratov, A., Latukha, M. 2019. Dismantling institutional complexity behind international competitiveness of emerging market firms, Thunderbird International Business Review, 62. 10.1002/tie.22095.
Latukha, M, Poór, J., Mitskevich, E., Lingec, D. 2019. Human resource management practices transferring from foreign firms to Russia: The Case of MNCs subsidiaries, Journal of Business Research, p. 476-486, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2019.03.020.
Latukha, M., Soyiri, J., Shagalkina M., Rysakova, L. 2019. From expatriation to global migration: The role of talent management practices in talent migration to Ghana, Journal of Global Mobility, 7 (4), 325-345.
Latukha, M., Malko, K. 2019. Westernization or localization of human resource management practices in CIS countries? Evidence from Kazakh firms, International Journal of Emerging Markets, 14 (3), 385-409, https://doi.org/10.1108/IJOEM-05-2016-0122.
Latukha, M., Lisina, P., Panibratov, Y. 2019. Developing sustainable competitive advantage of a firm through human resource management practices: a competence-based approach, Global Business and Economics Review, 21(1), 96-119.
Latukha M. 2018. Talent development and its role in shaping absorptive capacity in emerging market firms: The case of Russia. Advances in Human Resource Development, 20(4), 444-459.
Latukha M., Golubkova, M., Tikhonova, V. 2018. To be involved or not to be involved? HRM competences for internationalization process in Russian companies, Journal of East-West Business, 24 (4), 265-286.
Latukha M. The role of language in the communication process between business and government: Evidence from Russian firms, Journal of East-West Business, 24 (4), 245-264.
Latukha, M. 2018. Talent development and a firm’s performance: Evidence from Russian companies, Journal of General Management, 43 (2), 51-62.
Latukha, M. 2017. Talent management and global value creation: how do Russian companies do this? Marinova, S., Larimo, J. and Nummenla, N. (eds.) Value Creation in International Business, New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Latukha M., Selivanovskikh, L. 2016. Talent management practices in IT companies from emerging markets: A comparative analysis of Russia, India and China. Journal of East-West Business, 22 (3), 1–30.
Latukha, M. 2018. Can talent management practices be considered as a basis for sustainable competitive advantages in emerging market firms? Evidence from Russia. The Thunderbird International Business Review, 60 (1), 69-87.
Latukha, M, Doleeva, A., Järlström, M., Jokinen, T, Piekkari, R. 2016. Does corporate language influence career mobility? Evidence from MNCs in Russia. European Management Journal, 34 (4), 363-373.
Latukha, M., Selivanovskikh, L. 2016. Talent development in Russian companies: Main peculiarities and influence on a company’ performance. Russian Management Journal, 14 (3), 33-48.
Latukha, M., Selivanovskikh, L. 2016. Inter-country peculiarities of talent management in IT-firms from emerging markets. Vestnik SPbGU, Management series, 3, 54-81.
Latukha, M. 2015.Talent management in Russian companies: domestic challenges and international experience. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 26 (8), 1051-1075.
Latukha, M., Panibratov, A. 2015. Top management teams’ competencies for international operations: do they influence a firm’ results? Journal of General Management, 40 (4), 45-68.
Panibratov, A., Latukha, M. 2014. Obtaining international results through partnerships: evidence from Russian MNEs in the IT sector. Journal for East European Management Studies, 19 (1), 31-57.
Latukha, M., Panibratov, A. 2013. Is the role of HRM strategic in M&A success? Exploring the involvement of HRM in a due diligence process. Journal of General Management, 29(1), 27-54.
Latukha, M. 2011. To stay or leave: Motives behind the decisions of graduate programs’ trainees’ in European and Russian companies. Journal for East European Management Studies, 16(2), 140-161.
Latukha, M., Panibratov, A., Safronova-Salvadori, E. 2011.Entrepreneurial FDI in еmerging еconomies: Russian SME strategy for Brazil. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, 12(3), 201-212.
Latukha, M. 2010. Approaches to corporate training systems for executives: evidence from Russian companies. Human Resource Development International, 13(2), 207-223.
Book chapters
Shagalkina, M. and Latukha, M. 2021, Human Capital Mobility in Developing Countries Under the Pandemic Times: Losses or Opportunities?, Fang, T. and Hassler, J. (Ed.) Globalization, Political Economy, Business and Society in Pandemic Times (International Business and Management, Vol. 36), Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley, pp. 177-188.
Latukha, M. 2020. Covid-19: The need for new talent management agenda. M. Marinov & S. Marinova (Eds.), Covid-19 and International Business, New York: Routledge.
Latukha, M., Selivanovskikh, L., Maclennan, L. 2019. Exploring the context-specific talent management practices and their link to firm’s absorptive capacity in emerging markets: Brazil vs Russia, Tulder, R., Verbeke, A., Jankowska, B.(eds.), International Business in a VUCA World: The Changing Role of States and Firms, Progress in International Business Research, Volume 14, 423–437.
Latukha, M. 2018. Europe and its diversity: Dealing with Human Resources Management in Russia, Belorussia and Ukraine. Suder, G., Riviere, M., Lindeque, J. (eds.). The Routledge Companion to European Business, UK: Routledge.
Latukha, M. 2017. Talent management and global value creation: how do Russian companies do this? Marinova, S., Larimo, J. and Nummenla, N. (eds.) Value Creation in International Business, New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Latukha M., Sannikova, Y. 2016. Due diligence process for M&A from a human resource management perspective: what should be done to prevent M&A failure? Finding Solutions to the Challenges of Internationalization // Edited by Marin A. Marinov, Olav J. Sorensen, Aalborg University Press, Denmark.
Panibratov, A., Latukha, M. 2012. Servicing local customers for entering foreign markets: why and how do Russian IT firms internationalize? Marinov, M. and Marinova, S. (eds.) Emerging Economies and Firms in the Global Crisis, New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Panibratov, A., Latukha, M. 2012. Konecranes: Balancing scale of operations and quality of services in the Russian B2B market, in Medvedev, A. and Latukha, M (eds.) Cross-Border Strategy and Operations: Finnish Companies in Russia. A Collection of Cases, St. Petersburg: SPbSU GSOM, 125-142.
Mihailova, I., Panibratov, A., Latukha, M. 2012. International competitiveness of Russian IT firms: strong rivals or survivors at the edge? In Ch. Mukhopadhyay, K.B. Akhilesh, R. Srinivasan, A. Gurtoo and P. Ramachandran (eds.) Driving the Economy through Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Emerging Agenda for Technology Management, New Delhi: Springer India, 849-858.
Egor D. Nikulin
Associate Professor, Department of Finance and Accounting
Candidate of Sciences in Economics
Hirsch index in SCOPUS H = 2
Link to SCOPUS profile
MNG_2018-2019, 19/04/19 - 15/11/20, “Corporate Governance Mechanisms as a Deterrent to Profit Manipulation: An Analysis of Russian Companies”
Manipulation of profits and mechanisms for its containment in Russian public and non-public companies in conditions of financial difficulties
Andrei Yu. Panibratov
Professor, Doctor of Science (Economics)
Hirsch index in SCOPUS H = 9
Link to SCOPUS profile
Foreign direct investments from emerging economies to other emerging markets
International divestment strategy of MNEs
International students’ mobility
Liability of politics of emerging multinational companies
Sanctions and international business
The role of national diaspora for host-country firms
RSF grant (2022-2023) - effective
RSF grant (2023-2025) – planned
Japanese Foundation grant (2023-2024) - planned
Divestment strategy as a firm response to the critical events
Belt and Road Initiative: global value chain perspective
The role of diaspora for economic and social development in a host country
State capitalism and state-owned enterprises
Economic sanctions and firms’ resilience
Non-market strategy: lobbyism, populism, and political ties
Digital platforms for emerging multinationals: springboard effect
Cultural integration in a post-M&A deal stage
Academic Articles
Panibratov, A., Sanchez, R., Castello, A., & Klishevich, D. (2022). Surviving populism: A corporate political activity approach in Mexico, Journal of International Business Policy, http://dx.doi.org/10.1057/s42214-022-00140-1
Sato, A. & Panibratov, A. (2022). Transforming the liability of outsidership into assets of outsidership: A comparative study of Japanese automotive subsidiaries in Russia, Asia Pacific Business Review, doi 10.1080/13602381.2022.2079280 (IF 2,35)
Latukha, M., Zhang, Y., Panibratov, A., Arzhanykh, K., Rysakova, L. (2022). Talent management practices for firms’ absorptive capacity in the host country: The study of Chinese diaspora in Russia, Critical Perspectives on International Business, https://doi.org/10.1108/cpoib-07-2020-0099 (IF 1,18)
Panibratov, A. & Gaur, A. (2022). Political drivers of international divestments of Russian MNEs, BRICS Journal of Economics, 3(1), 5–25, https://doi.org/10.3897/brics-econ.3.e84707
Panibratov, A. & Chen, S. (2021). The new world in the post-covid-19 era: To compromise with the de-globalization or seize this opportunity. Herald of St. Petersburg University. Management 20(3): 326-342. https://doi.org/10.21638/11701/spbu08.2021.302
Panibratov, A., Kalinin, A., Zhang, Y., Ermolaeva, L., Korovkin, V., Nefedov, K., & Selivanovskikh, L. (2021). The belt and road initiative: A systematic literature review and future research agenda, Eurasian Geography and Economics, 63(1): 82-115. DOI: 10.1080/15387216.2020.1857288 (IF 2,27)
Shagalkina M. V, Telov V. V., Latukha M. O., Panibratov A. Yu. (2021). The determinants of returnees’ decision to come back to Russia. Russian Management Journal 19 (1): 97–116. (In Russian) https://rjm.spbu.ru/article/view/10282/8087
Chimeson, D., Tung, R., Panibratov, A. & Fang, T. (2021). The paradox and change of Russian cultural values, International Business Review https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ibusrev.2021.101944 (IF 5,91)
Kostova, T., Panibratov, A., & Rysakova, L. (2021). Utilizing the Chinese diaspora by Russian firms: Capabilities and legitimacy implications, Management and Organization Review, 1-32. doi: 10.1017/mor.2021.47 (IF 2,37)
Panibratov, A. (2021). Sanctions, cooperation, and innovation: Insights from Russia economy and implications for Russian firms, BRICS Journal of Economics, 2(3): 4-26. https://doi.org/10.38050/2712-7508-2021-3-1
Oparin, E., Panibratov, A. & Ermolaeva, L. (2021). Digital health studies: Business and management theory perspective, Journal of East-West Business, DOI 10.1080/10669868.2021.1931622 (IF 0,9)
Panibratov, A. & Klishevich, D. (2021). Emerging market state-owned multinationals: A review and implications for the state capitalism debate, Asian Business and Management, https://link.springer.com/article/10.1057/s41291-021-00150-6 (IF 4,8)
Oparin E., Panibratov, A., & Ermolaeva, L. (2021). Digital technologies in private medicine: Limitations and opportunities. Economy and entrepreneurship, 6(131): 1118-1127. In Russian.
Panibratov, A., Sawant, R., & Nachum, L. (2021). The effect of interpersonal political embeddedness on firm internationalization scope, British Journal of Management, 32(3): 812-831, https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-8551.12430 (IF 6,57)
Spillan, J.E., Parnell, J.A., Panibratov, A. & Yukhanaev, A. (2021). Strategy and performance of Russian firms: An organizational capabilities perspective, European Journal of International Management, 15(1): 1-26. DOI: 10.1504/EJIM.2021.111913 (IF 2,8)
Panibratov, A. & Rysakova, L. (2021). The diaspora phenomenon: Scholarly assessment and implications for countries and firms, Journal of Global Mobility, 9(1): 107-144, DOI: 10.1108/JGM-07-2020-0051 (IF 1,13)
Klishevich D., & Panibratov A. (2020). Internationalization of state-owned enterprises from emerging markets: Overview of theoretical approaches. Herald of St. Petersburg University. Management 19 (2): 227–255. In Russian. https://doi.org/10.21638/11701/spbu08.2020.205, http://www.vestnikmanagement.spbu.ru/archive/pdf/850.pdf
Panibratov, A. & Fitzpatrick, M. (2020). The effect of reverse knowledge spillovers on the total factor productivity in emerging markets, BRICS Journal of Economics, 1(1): 21-42.
Panibratov, A. & Rysakova, L. (2020). The organizational legitimacy of Russian firms: Contextual specificity and legitimization strategies. Russian Management Journal, 18(3): 289-312, https://doi.org/10.21638/spbu18.2020.301
Panibratov, A. & Klishevich, D. (2020). Dynamic capabilities during the internationalization of MNCs from post-socialist emerging markets, Multinational Business Review, 28(3): 307-331, https://doi.org/10.1108/MBR-06-2019-0052 (IF 2,89)
Mihailova, I., Panibratov, A. & Latukha, M. (2019). Dismantling institutional complexity behind international competitiveness of emerging market firms, Thunderbird International Business Review, 62: 77-92, https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/tie.22095 (IF 1,84)
Michailova, S. & Panibratov, A. (2019). MNEs from Russia and CIS: From national champions to global players. International Journal of Emerging Markets, 14(3): 382-384, https://doi.org/10.1108/IJOEM-07-2019-575 (IF 2,49)
Panibratov, A. & Michailova, S. (2019). The role of state ownership and home government political support in Russian multinationals’ internationalization. International Journal of Emerging Markets, 14(3): 436-450, https://doi.org/10.1108/IJOEM-10-2017-0380 (IF 2,49)
Dikova, D., Panibratov, A., & Veselova, A. (2019). Investment motives, ownership advantages and institutional distance: An examination of Russian cross-border acquisitions. International Business Review, 28(4): 625-637. (IF 5,91)
Book chapters
Panibratov, A. & Chen, S. (2022). The impact of economic sanctions on the decision of foreign firms to exit from Russia, in Arte, P., Larimo, J., Sousa, C., Ghauri, P. & Mata, J. (eds.) Handbook on foreign exits, relocation and re-entry: theoretical perspectives and empirical evidence, Edward Elgar, forthcoming
Panibratov, A., Rysakova, L., & Luo, Y. (2021). New configurations of the IB theories: Dynamic response to the environmental challenges, in T. Fang & J. Hassler (eds.) Globalization, Political Economy, Business and Society in Pandemic Times, International Business & Management, Emerald, Volume 36: 269–284.
Panibratov, A. (2020). Digital health business models during and post Covid-19, in M. Marinov & S. Marinova (Eds.), Covid-19 and International Business: Change of Era. New York: Routledge.
Elena M. Rogova
Professor, Deputy Head, Department of Finance and Accounting
Candidate of Sciences in Economics
Hirsch index in SCOPUS H = 3
Link to SCOPUS profile
Maria M. Smirnova
Associate Professor, Candidate of Sciences in Economics
Hirsch index in SCOPUS H = 13
Link to SCOPUS profile
2021 – 2022 “Developing a typology of personalisation approaches in AI context for online retail (PERSOGRAPHICS)”. Project ID 77098515 (financed by SPbU).
2019 – 2020 "Developing consumer knowledge ontology for innovative products and services" (ONTARIS). Project ID 48953001 (financed by SPSBU), CITIS ID: АААА-А20-120030390075-8.
2018 – 2020 “Analysis and forecasting of customer churn in telecommunication companies”, Grant for external doctorate supervision; project ID 43686733 (financed by SPbU).
An initiative project “Long-term impact of customer orientation and marketing capabilities on firm performance” (INI_2021), project ID 75060067.
Continuation of data analysis based on a sample collected on previously completed projects (PERSOGRAPHICS, ID 77098515; ONTARIS, ID 48953001).
Marketing: strategy and organisational capabilities
Long-term impact of marketing competencies of Russian firms on their survival, development and performance
Innovative capabilities of Russian firms: perspective of joint value creation
Adaptive strategies of consumer behaviour in crisis/recession
Consumer knowledge: subjective and objective characteristics, their impact on behaviour and decision making
Muravskii, D., Smirnova, M., Muravskaia, S. (2021). Engaging allies for better or worse: investigating the relationship between multiple-brand alliances and persuasion knowledge. International Journal of Advertising. DOI 10.1080/02650487.2021.2003668
Smirnova, M. (2020). Managing business and social network relationships in Russia: The role of relational capabilities, institutional support and dysfunctional competition. Industrial Marketing Management, 89, 340-354. DOI 10.1016/j.indmarman.2020.02.008
Malchenko, Y., Gogua, M., Golovacheva, K., Smirnova, M., Aррlkanova, O. (2020). A critical review of digital capability frameworks: a consumer perspective. Digital Policy, Regulation and Governance, 22(4): 269-288. DOI 10.1108/DPRG-02-2020-0028
Rebiazina, V.A., Smirnova, M., Daviy, A. (2020). E-commerce adoption in Russia: Market- and store-level perspectives. Russian Management Journal, 18(1), 5-28. DOI: 10.21638/spbu18.2020.101
Ashnai, B., Smirnova, M., Henneberg, S., Naudé, P. (2019). Dyadic operationalization in business relationships: The empirical example of marketing-purchasing collaboration, Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing, 26(1), 19-42. DOI: 10.1080/1051712X.2019.1565134
Gulakova, O., Rebiazina, V., Smirnova, M. (2019). Customer orientation of B2B firms in emerging markets: Evidence from Russia. Russian Management Journal, 17(1), 71-96. DOI: 10.21638/spbu18.2019.104
Ekaterina V. Sokolova
Associate Professor, Department of Public Administration
Candidate of Sciences in Economics
Hirsch index in SCOPUS H = 1
Link to SCOPUS profile
Victoria S. Tsybova
Associate Professor, Department of Organizational Behavior and Personnel Management
Candidate of Sciences in Economics
Hirsch index in SCOPUS H = 2
Link to SCOPUS profile
Darko B. Vukovic
Assosiate Professor, Department of Finance and Accounting
Candidate of Sciences in Economics
Hirsch index in SCOPUS H = 13
Link to SCOPUS profile
Nikolai A. Zenkevich
Associate Professor, PhD in Applied Mathematics (First Doctoral Degree)
Hirsch index in SCOPUS H = 2
Link to SCOPUS profile
«Комбинированные методы выбора в нечеткой многокритериальной среде», грант РФФИ, 2017–2018, исполнитель;
“Combined Selection Methods in a Fuzzy Multicriteria Environment”, grant RFBR, 2017-2018, project executor;
«Влияние лидерства и сотрудничества на результативность сетей поставок», грант СПбГУ, 2019–2020, руководитель;
“The Impact of Leadership and Collaboration on Supply Chain Performance”, grant SPbU, 2019–2020, project head;
«Интерлокинг в советах директоров и результативность деятельности компании: анализ взаимосвязи», СПбГУ, 2020–2021, исполнитель.
“Interlocking in boards of directors and the company performance: relationship analysis”, grant SPbU, 2020–2021, project executor.
Dynamic models of coordination and cooperation in supply chains (planned)
Coordination of supply chains based on bilateral contracts
Dynamic stability of cooperative solutions in supply chains
Cooperation and coordination in financial supply chains
Conditionally coordinating contract in supply chains, Scopus, WoS. Chapter in the book: “Frontiers of Dynamic Games. Game Theory and Management 2018”. Birkhauser, 2019; Berezinets, I., Nikolchenko, N., Rusheva, A.
Применение контракта с ретро-бонусом для координации цепи поставок, ABS, А. Вестник Санкт-Петерб. унив. Менеджмент, 2019, 18 (3); Березинец И. В., Никольченко Н. К., Ручьева А. С.
Shapley value in cooperative working capital cost game for distributive supply network, Contributions to Game Theory and Management, 2019, Volume 12; Ivakina, A., Lapin, E.
Key player and key leader in a distribution network game, Contributions to Game Theory and Management, 2019, Volume 12; Kazemi, S.
Coordinating contracts as an instrument of supply chain profit maximization under short-term financing necessity, Contributions to Game Theory and Management, 2020, Volume 13; Berezinets, I., Voronova, T., Nikolchenko N.
Supply chain finance solutions in joint working capital management, Contributions to Game Theory and Management, 2020, Volume 13; Kuzmina, Y.
A conceptual framework for investigation of supply network leadership, ABS D, Scopus. Int. J. Management and Decision Making, Vol. 19, No. 3 (2020); Kazemi, S.
Координируют ли цепи поставок контракты с обратным выкупом нереализованной продукции? ABS, A. Вестник Санкт-Петербургского университета. Менеджмент 19 (4), 2020; Березинец И. В., Ручьева А. С., Никольченко Н. К.
Game-Theoretic Modeling of the Project Management Contract, Scopus, WoS. Automation and Remote Control, 2020, Vol. 81, No. 11; Sokolov, Y., Fattakhova, M.
Is collaborative planning a determinant of financial performance in supply chain? Empirical study, Scopus, ABS, D. International Journal of Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, 2020, 13, 3; Berezinets, I., Nikolchenko, N.
An Investigation of Efficiency-Based Leadership in the Russian Banking Industry, Scopus, ABS, D. RAIRO – Operations Research, 55 (2021); Kazemi, S., Tavana, S., Toloo, M.
Implementation of a multi-objective working capital management strategy for financial supply chains, Contributions to Game Theory and Management, 2021, vol. XIV; Ivakina A., Smirnova M.
The multi-objective model of working capital optimization, Contributions to Game Theory and Management, 2021, vol. XIV; Ivakina A., Smirnova M.
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